Mixed-mode Surveys: When are 2 modes better than one?

Conversations for Research Rockstars

10-10-2019 • 14 mins

Survey researchers know: mixed-mode data collection is gaining popularity in professional market research. And for good reason: it can address known survey data quality issues. Market researchers have several data collection options--even if most of us default to online surveys. But, ideally, once a given market research survey project’s objectives and sampling goals are finalized, the next decision is to select the data collection mode that will be the best fit. Often, we assume one mode. For example, many researchers rely heavily on online data collection, others on phone. However, there are cases where more than one mode is optimal.

The compendium is here: https://www.researchrockstar.com/mixe...

The research mentioned: 1) https://www.researchgate.net/publicat...

2: From the always amazing folks at Pew: https://www.pewresearch.org/methods/2... http://www.researchrockstar.com/

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