#36 Permission to Rest

Magnetic Brand Builder

12-12-2022 • 17 mins

Hello ! Hello and Welcome to Monday Munchies!! Where today is a little different kind of Monday.

Our today's episode is about " Permission to Rest".

Today's permission slip is really allowing yourself to stop , to slow down , to take a break , not post the things if you don't like posting the things, to not show up if you don't like showing up.

Just to say, at the end of each year we get tired. As moms in business we get tired and sometimes we need other women , other entrepreneurs, other people in this online space to say that it's okay to stop.

And I wanted to share to you my word of the year for 2022 and that is "Trust".

That is really big one for me and I believe that I've really kept that up and I would urge you to choose a word of the year.

I think there is so much more that I want to bring to my online services and to my online audience that hasn't quite happen yet for the reasons of being busy, for the reasons of just trusting the process I had to go through to get where I am .

It is okay to feel tired, it is okay that if you are sitting right now scrolling thru your phone scrolling to Instagram thinking I don't know what to post , I don't know what to say , I don't know who I am online , I don't know how to build my personal brand online "It is okay".

Stop , Take a Break , Take a Moment , Let's regroup , let's go back to the Basics , let's start fresh , let's start feeling fresh and invigorated to keep going.

You will come back Fighting and you will come back Stronger than ever

Right now you can join of TikTok Curious [Startup and Scale Academy] - This is for you if you're just starting or looking to leverage your brand on TikTok, I will help you to understand how to use TikTok but also how to share your brand online.

Also, grab my FREE - How to Build a Brand on TikTok 0-1k in 30 days

Enjoy, Cheers Kristen xx

PS Please, please subscribe and rate the show it would mean the freaking world to me!

Follow along @kristenwernercoach (on insta and TikTok)

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PPS Please, please follow along @readypreneur & subscribe to the show it would mean the freaking world to me!