#35 What Makes a Good Lead Magnet?

Magnetic Brand Builder

04-12-2022 • 21 mins

Welcome to the Monday Munchies! Today let's talk to you about Lead Magnets.

  • What is a Lead Magnet?
  • What do you put in it?
  • Why you need to have one?

And that is our topic for today's episode " What makes a good Lead Magnet?"

We get a lot of emails into our email system....right? So we want to ensure what we are creating what people actually need.

It's not about what you want to create , it's not about what you want to share with people but it's more about meeting people where they at and understanding what you can share with them to get them through a problem.

Today's episode, is to make sure by the end of this episode you can say , " I know what Lead Magnet I could create".

Ok, Please do me a little favour screen shot on your phone right now then upload it into your stories and please tag me.

Share with a friend and let somebody know who is starting up and scaling up their business right now. Because I would love to become part of their weekly thing that they do which is listening to the podcast.

Right now you can join of TikTok Curious [Startup and Scale Academy] - This is for you if you're just starting or looking to leverage your brand on TikTok, I will help you to understand how to use TikTok but also how to share your brand online.

Also, grab my FREE - How to Build a Brand on TikTok 0-1k in 30 days

Enjoy, Cheers Kristen xx

PS Please, please subscribe and rate the show it would mean the freaking world to me!

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