#54 Transform your Content & Generate More New Leads

Magnetic Brand Builder

16-04-2023 • 44 mins

Welcome to the Monday Munchies, the podcast show that fuels your entrepreneurial appetite! In today's episode, we'll delve into the First 100 Leads training (with my coach James Wedmore) and why it's crucial for online business success.

As an entrepreneur, generating leads is paramount to monetising your business. And that's why I'm passionate about the First 100 Leads training.

It's what separates the thriving businesses from the struggling ones.

Creating a lead magnet that provides value is key to building trust with your audience. It's about understanding your ideal customer and offering them something of value for free.

That's where the hard work comes in. Crafting a lead magnet that truly resonates with your audience takes time and effort. But it's a small price to pay for the payoff of a thriving business.

So, join me as we explore the power of the First 100 Leads training inside the Readyprener Community and learn how to take your business to the next level!

If you're interested to learn more about how get your First 100 leads in a FREE training with James...CLICK HERE

If you want to Nail Your Niche, this on demand Masterclass is for you. I've don't it and LOVED it!

Follow along TikTok: @kristenwernercoach or Instagram@kristenwernercoach

Enjoy, Cheers Kristen xx

PPS Please, please subscribe to the show it would mean the freaking world to me!

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