How We Landed 20+ Enterprise Deals with Founder-Led Sales?

B2B SaaS Podcast

29-11-2023 • 21 mins

Robin Singhvi, Founder of SmartCue, talks how about how they acquired over 30 paying customers ( of 5-6 figure ACV deals ) primarily with founder-led sales. We deep dive into his entrepreneurial journey and learn how his monthly newsletter and enterprise sales expertise are propelling SmartCue's growth! 🚀

Here’s what we will discuss,

  • 🚀 Building Credibility: Robin leveraged a decade in enterprise sales, positioning himself as a thought leader to establish trust early on, setting SmartQ apart in a competitive landscape.
  • 🌟 Navigating Enterprise Sales: With a background in million-dollar deals, Robin's diligence, proactivity, and methodical engagement laid the groundwork for successful sales in the enterprise market.
  • 💼 Founder-led Power: Emphasizing a personal touch, Robin's active involvement in the sales process boosted SmartQ's credibility, building confidence and trust.
  • 📅 Monthly Newsletter Magic: Initiating a monthly newsletter since SmartQ's launch in October 2021, it evolved into a valuable tool for lead generation, sharing experiences, and fostering relationships.

📊 Key Metrics Discussed:

  • 📈 Current Customers: 30+ organizations.
  • 💰 Revenue Target: Aiming for $1M+ by March 2024.
  • 🚀 Growth Goal: On track to reach 100 organizations on SmartCue.
  • 🛠️ Sales Approach: Founder-led with plans to build a robust sales engine.
  • 💸 Funding: Raised capital from an accelerator program and angel investors.
  • 👥 Team Size: Core team of 3, augmented with interns and contractors.
  • Product Age: SmartCue launched officially in May 2023.

You can also watch this on youtube here,