How we created a spin-off SaaS from our $10M+ consulting business.

B2B SaaS Podcast

19-06-2023 • 21 mins

Phil Alves, the CEO of Devstats (& Devsquad), discusses how they grew their developer performance improvement SaaS to 50 customers within 12 months of its launch, with an ACV of around $10k. In this interview, we cover their product, journey from 0 to 1, growth over the past 12 months, sales cycle, and long-term vision.

In the interview, we discuss the following:

  • How Devstats is the only engineering management tool for leaders focused on actionable performance data and healthy teams.
  • How they acquired over 50 customers in the past 10-12 months with an ACV of around $10k, primarily using founder-led sales.
  • How they used cold emailing to acquire all of their first set of customers.
  • What their sales cycle looks like and how it took almost 10-12 months to close their first set of customers.
  • How Phil built a hugely successful dev consulting company (Devsquad) with around 100 employees doing in excess of $10MN in top-line revenue.
  • How he plans to bootstrap the company using his other successful dev consulting business.
  • Their vision and team.