The Power of Storytelling: Connecting, Healing, and Transforming Lives with Clare Murphy | Episode 8

The Bouncebackability Podcast

22-11-2023 • 1 hr

Today on the Bouncebackability Podcast, we speak to the international speaker and storyteller, Clare Murphy. Clare has an impressive CV. Not only is she the Director of Story at the Mission Critical Institute in the USA, she’s also a consultant and trainer for worldwide organisation, such as the National Theatre, The Royal Shakespeare Company, BLESMA Limbless Veterans, and University of Bristol. Clare has performed in over 20 countries with the former president of Ireland, Mary Robinson and NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory among the notable guests in her audience.

In this episode, she shares her experience of storytelling as a medium that extends beyond the personal experience. Clare explains the crucial role it plays in creating connection and fostering a sense of belonging in teams and organisations. From the legacy built by coaches like Alex Ferguson to the profound physiological and neurological impacts on doctors and nurses, storytelling reinforces culture, builds connections, and provides the much-needed space for reflection and processing.

Join us for this thought-provoking episode, sharing unique perspectives on the power of stories to bring positive change.

In this episode:

09:57 Storytelling and culture in organisations – how we can share the legacy in a meaningful way through storytelling.

18:50 The Rishi Network – established by Dr. Rachel Reman to combat isolation and depression in medical professionals and the importance of addressing the emotional impact of extreme situations.

20:17 The DRIVE project - storytelling to train veterans with various injuries, including limb loss to share their life before and after the incident.

23:28 The impact and importance of personal experiences over measuring output efficiency - has social media created a disconnect?

28:57 Storytelling as transformation - helping people overcome trauma, heal from past experiences and even alleviate pain through sharing their story.

45:09 Digital excess - how information overload is affecting our emotional processing response and how stories are the antidote.

57:55 Storytelling as an emotional gym – the impact of telling stories as a collaborative experience can build resilience.

You can connect with Clare here:

Instagram: Clare Murphy (@storyclare)

LinkedIn: Clare Murphy | LinkedIn

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