Social selling with zero BS in 2023

Value-driven Marketing

26-09-2023 • 59 mins

Social selling is a term that is being thrown around a lot these days, but for most companies, it means sending automated connection requests over LinkedIn followed by “me, me” messages.

My guest Claudiu Jojatu, CEO and co-founder of Milk & Cookies Studio has a different take on what social selling done right looks like.

For Claudiu, social selling with zero BS means doing high-quality networking and getting involved in building long-term relationships.

Is social selling effective? Well, Claudiu and his team managed to generate over 1 million EUR in pipeline for one of their tech clients in a little over 9 months.

If you’d like to learn more about how Milk & Cookies Studio approaches social selling, hit play.

If you’d like to connect with Claudiu, find him on LinkedIn and on

Bonus:  Download for free this 30+ pages #NoBS social selling guide.