What's it like living in the 17th (métro Brochant)

Paris Estate of Mind

13-02-2023 • 16 mins

This episode continues our series speaking to people living in a specific area of Paris. Today, I’m speaking with one of my lovely owners, Bob Wasinger, who lives in an area known as Les Batignolles, in the 17th by metro Brochant.

Bob and his husband purchased an apartment in 2017. Over the years, he and Joel visited a lot, but their goal was to live half of the year in Paris. They have now achieved that goal, so listen in on what Bob has to say about the arrondissement and the very good advice he offers.

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Music Credits
Music: Jazz In Paris - Media Right Productions https://youtu.be/mNLJMTRvyj8

About Us
Welcome to Paris Estate of Mind! Join hosts Gail Boisclair and Marie Pistinier as we talk about the good, the bad, the ins, the outs of property rentals and purchases in and around Paris. We'll have topics for renters, owners, and visitors, share questions we are regularly asked, and more.

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