#AskAbhijit 181: Dictatorship, Iran, Rome, US Dollar, Rome, Alexander, Saraswati, Aircraft Carriers

The #AskAbhijit Show

22-05-2024 • 2 hrs 11 mins

Episode 181 of the #AskAbhijit show: Ask me interesting questions in the live chat, and I shall answer them. OUTLINE: 0:00 Countdown- Intro Music 1:00 Introduction - Hello Everybody 3:10 What are sir's thoughts on PM Modi ji turning into a dictator? 7:56 What is sir's opinion on death of Iran president, is it planned by US or Israel 12:02 Will there be any adverse impact on India-Iran relation after the demise of the president? 13:50 Why are most western academic circles woke and any tips on dealing with it? 18:40 How would you reform the Indian political system 19:52 Why physicists look down upon engineers, and someone says he hears that same from him to? 22:49 What happens if India and USA simultaneously rejects one China policy and recognize Taiwan as a country 26:34 Why is modern art so weird or make no sense 30:00 Are the Macedonians and Romans genetically related? 35:32 How not to worry for a person, as someone says he would give his last attempt for a government exam 38:21 What is sir's take on New Caledonia? 40:10 Should someone do BA in international relations or do BA LLB? 42:20 One more river behind nile, which was used to transport building material? 46:19 When will kalki avatar come? 46:45 Have sir read "The hunt for the red October" and does sir think we may find our self in a similar situation? 50:44 Which the best geopolitics book for complete beginners? 51:18 Why delhi metro has flat face why not aerodynamic peak head like rrts, vandebharat 53:30 What are the white spots on ceres? 56:13 Why do southern part of India marry their cousins when it is wrong in Hinduism when they know it can cause genetic problems? 58:24 What is charismatic personality?How to develop it? 1:02:10 Someone is a Christian by birth and learning about tactics played by French, and asks for suggestions for him? 1:05:45 When will we see nuclear powered vehicles? 1:09:40 Can US print unlimited dollars? 1:12:44 Why is the global map showing in most places a distorted version of the actual geographical map? 1:15:29 There is a serious amount of foreign interference on social media, what can the govt do about this in their next term? 1:20:48 Why alexander the tyrant did not face any resistance in Egypt?was darius and other achemedian kings cruel towards them? 1:25:41 Opinion on true boundaries of Akhand Bharat? 1:30:29 About intellectual migration of german scientists during post WW2 period especially Von Braun who contributed to American dominance in science and technology 1:34:41 Is it a good step that 6 build aircraft carrier will be taken for India, where submarines are principle ship of 21st century? 1:40:00 Which all nations in India's neighbourhood should we have strong relations to control Indian ocean regions? 1:43:13 When is Dr Niraj Rai's paper coming out? 1:43:32 Why is the biggest genocide in known history The Hindu Holocaust ignored by whole world? 1:46:43 Which system is better, for family structure, patriarchy or matriarchy in a society 1:50:03 Could giant lake formed by metero fall at lonar site be reason behind formation of Himalayas and other mountain ranges? Can meteors effect shift in tectonic plates? 1:56:30 Why no research not done on topic where Mughals destroyed great native classical dance forms and musical system from Gujarat, Sindh, Maharashtra, Bengal, etc? 1:59:36 Why billionaires are funding wokism...? 2:01:06 How was diet of ancient Indians different from Indians today? 2:05:15 Opinion on River Saraswati? Is Ghaghara really saraswati? 2:07:09 Someone says he hates carbs and hates it as it being starvation food 2:08:24 Why Indians are obsessed with degrees?... 2:10:32 Conclusion- Thanks Everybody