The #AskAbhijit Show

Abhijit Chavda

An Eclectic Podcast by Abhijit Chavda: Indian & World History, Theoretical Physics, Astrophysics, Quantum Physics, Geopolitics, Culture, Education, Technology, Philosophy, & the Future of Humanity. read less
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#AskAbhijit 188: Fire, Entropy, Absolute Zero, Redshift, Big Bang, Gravity, 3-Body Problem, Gedanken
#AskAbhijit 188: Fire, Entropy, Absolute Zero, Redshift, Big Bang, Gravity, 3-Body Problem, Gedanken
Episode 188 of the #AskAbhijit show: Ask me interesting questions in the comments, and I shall answer them. - - - - - - - - - - - - - OUTLINE: 0:00 Countdown- Intro Music 1:15 Introduction- Hello Everybody 3:57 What was the great unconformity time period during which a huge chunk of Earth's paleontological timeline disappeared? 9:35 What is all trash, plastic waste, etc are thrown into the volcanoes, what will happen? 15:10 What is fire?How is it produced and why? 24:07 How do windmill work? How strong energy can a windmill generate? 30:20 About Palm oil, can it act as fuel in manufacturing or for industrial purposes...? 36:26 About Photonic integrated circuits?... 42:25 If AI becomes conscious and takes over power, do humans have any chance of regaining control through military actions?... 48:34 What is space? 52:33 Light requires 8min 20sec to come to earth from sun, if sun disappears, will earth continue orbiting sun till 8min 20sec or impact will be instant..? 59:58 Has sir watched Netflix's 3 body problem? 1:04:52 Is it true that achieving absolute zero is impossible?... 1:11:25 Are EM waves attached to space and if so does it mean they dont have their own speed but rather travel with speed of space, which would be the hubble speed in the present time? 1:14:11 What are cosmic redshifts? 1:19:23 Why is gravity the weakest of the 4 fundamental forces of nature? 1:27:03 What was there before the big bang?... 1:29:14 We know energy is created from mass, can this reaction be reversed? 1:31:01 About entropy? 1:35:29 What makes the scientists cannot be dharmic or he/she can see everything scientifically and dharma is not science 1:43:26 How do space telescopes like hubble and JWST create images?Are they accurate? 1:47:29 What id we are alone civilisation in the universe? 1:49:15 Can we input consciousness 1:50:18 Do we need different types of physics to reach alpha centauri? 1:54:08 Are we in simulation or are we a 3D being created by higher dimension beings? 1:56:05 Why are big tech companies putting biases in their AI and chat bots?... 1:59:17 Why cant we know what's out there beyond the event horizon of a black hole? 2:02:00 What is grandfather paradox? 2:03:50 Conclusion- Thank You Everybody
#AskAbhijit 185: Brane Cosmology, Ekpyrotic Universe, Pulsars, AI, Skynet, Photons, Microplastics...
#AskAbhijit 185: Brane Cosmology, Ekpyrotic Universe, Pulsars, AI, Skynet, Photons, Microplastics...
Episode 185 of the #AskAbhijit show: Ask me interesting questions in the comments, and I shall answer them. A Masterclass on Understanding Geopolitics: Geopolitics From First Principles Enroll here: For business/collaboration, email at - - - - - - - - - - - - - OUTLINE BY RAMALAKSHMI VV: 0:00 Countdown- Intro Music 1:15 Introduction - Hello Everybody 3:54 Why does inflation (10^-36seconds after big bang) have a high uncertainty? Even after CMBR imaging?.. 15:01 What is cosmic dawn and epoch of reionization in cosmology? 22:50 Under Brane cosmology, how much does sir think the ekpyrotic universe makes sense? Is it supported by Mathematics? 35:14 How does Pulsar Timing Array, someone says he has read a paper about confirmation of gravitational wave background existing in fabric of space.. 42:49 What is oscillating in a matter wave?.. 49:14 Why is the primary focus on reducing CO2 when there are other potent greenhouse gases like methane, nitrogen oxides? How are we addressing the e waste generated from solar technology?.. 56:50 Are there any non human living organism that exhibit suicidal tendencies or engage in self destructive behaviour leading to their own death? 1:02:40 How would the world change if OpenAI or google created AGI today, making them more powerful than governments? What would be the impact on industries, the economy, and society? 1:06:34 Does sir think we can see AI like Skynet which can be threat to us in few years from now as the advancements are very rapid? Dangers of AI.... 1:12:02 Why oceans deep inside are cold but as we deeper in land it becomes hot? 1:16:27 As sir said jet engine development is complicated to develop jet blades from single crystal, if we have rocket tech in isro, high temperature resistant materials are used in rockets, why can we use that in jet engine? 1:22:04 Hypothetically, if we put the entire universe into a large container, what would be outside the container?... 1:24:38 What is anti-gravity? Can it some how exist? 1:25:37 How space looks like, does it look exactly as images released by NASA or will it look different if we see a nebula with a naked eye 1:29:49 What does sir think about possibility of antimatter propulsion for future space travel, and what kind of restrictions does it currently face? 1:31:30 What are god particle and why are they so important to understand 1:33:47 Thoughts on Terrance howard 1:35:12 Someone asks sir to rate khan academy as an educational platform 1:35:36 Do we have any gravitational anomalies discovered on earth just like in movie interstellar? 1:36:40 Are we made of particles or waves 1:37:41 Can sir structure of photon 1:39:17 If light has no mass then how blackholes gravity affects it?? 1:39:59 Have sir watched big bang theory 1:40:15 Why space agencies pursuing a nuclear powered spacecraft? 1:40:55 Have sir figured out new types of battery tech? 1:41:59 Microplastics un avoidable? 1:42:52 How does gravity reacts when we reach absolute zero 1:43:36 Sir's thoughts on Vasuki indicus 1:44:30 Someone says Microplastics are everywhere, bottom of ocean, organs, .... 1:45:31 What is we could transfer our consciousness into an ai model? What makes us human, is it our consciousness or our body 1:48:13 Can humans ever see UV rays 1:48:42 Can neutron stars have habitable planets? 1:50:15 Conclusion- Thanks Everybody
#AskAbhijit 182: Δx.Δp≥ℏ/2, Wormholes, Black Holes, Chaos, Fermi Paradox, Nice Model, Volcanoes
#AskAbhijit 182: Δx.Δp≥ℏ/2, Wormholes, Black Holes, Chaos, Fermi Paradox, Nice Model, Volcanoes
Episode 182 of the #AskAbhijit show: Ask me interesting questions in the comments, and I shall answer them. OUTLINE: 0:00 Countdown- Intro Music 1:02 Introduction- Hi Everybody 3:24 In some books about Heisenberg uncertainity principle its give as Δx.Δp≥ℏ and others as Δx.p≥ℏ/2, what's the difference? 7:52 About fermi paradox 15:58 When will we actually start mining resources from other planets or asteroids effectively? 20:51 Olber's Paradox, how does the information paradox challenge our understanding of black holes and quantum mechanics?How do we reconcile that time to stop at the center of the black hole? 31:58 How did the alignment between Saturn and Jupiter impact Neptune's orbit, causing the late heavy bombardment event? 38:22 What is true look of Jupiter if it looks different from different telescopes? Are they illusions 42:55 What is quantum computing and can it be used to encode genes of an unborn baby? 50:40 What is singularity? How long will it take us reach the singularity after we reach AGI? 55:34 What is Chaos theory? How applicable is it scientifically and in everyday life? 1:02:41 How does a butterfly retain its memory as a caterpillar even after getting most of itself digested apart from few cells? Can this be researched and used to transfer memory in humans? 1:07:04 What is string theory? 1:13:08 As there was no radiation prior to big bang, does sir think it is impossible for us to know conclusively what caused the big bang? 1:16:28 What is the difference between a supermassive blackhole at the center of a galaxy and active galactic nuclei? 1:20:40 What are sir's thoughts on life once existing on Mars?... 1:24:38 Since Mars lack a magnetosphere will it ever be possible to terraform it into planet like Earth?... 1:30:30 Where does sir see neuralink trials going? Could this be threat to humans? Could it affect freedom of our thoughts? 1:32:56 What does sir think about open ai's and google's ai models and should we be worried? 1:35:37 Thoughts on Oumuamua- a comet or extraterrestrial tech? 1:39:06 Why do volcanoes occur in islands? Do volcanoes form in main lands also? 1:43:28 What does the word "dust cloud" mean which forms our solar system 1:46:06 Are the chances of intelligent life existing on a planet similar to Earth just a chance of probability?... 1:49:27 How do we capture nebulas, black holes, which spectral waves do we capture or how does this work? 1:52:55 Can quantum mechanics explain consciousness? 1:56:31 What is bootstrap paradox? 1:59:39 Is time travel possible using wormholes? 2:02:54 Is intelligence a mere product of chemical reactions or is it present at the beginning of everything? 2:05:01 If quarks, electrons, neutrinos, etc are elementary then why do they split up in other nuclear reactions like in Beta decay...? 2:08:02 Why desalination of ocean water is so expensive and how it works? 2:09:21 Multiverse existence? 2:10:25 Can tech and robotics solve the TFR...? 2:12:14 Will sir make physics course in physics? 2:12:30 If time slows down inside black hole then will the object that fell into black hole survive, due to release of radiation? 2:13:30 Conclusion- Thanks Everybody
#AskAbhijit 181: Dictatorship, Iran, Rome, US Dollar, Rome, Alexander, Saraswati, Aircraft Carriers
#AskAbhijit 181: Dictatorship, Iran, Rome, US Dollar, Rome, Alexander, Saraswati, Aircraft Carriers
Episode 181 of the #AskAbhijit show: Ask me interesting questions in the live chat, and I shall answer them. OUTLINE: 0:00 Countdown- Intro Music 1:00 Introduction - Hello Everybody 3:10 What are sir's thoughts on PM Modi ji turning into a dictator? 7:56 What is sir's opinion on death of Iran president, is it planned by US or Israel 12:02 Will there be any adverse impact on India-Iran relation after the demise of the president? 13:50 Why are most western academic circles woke and any tips on dealing with it? 18:40 How would you reform the Indian political system 19:52 Why physicists look down upon engineers, and someone says he hears that same from him to? 22:49 What happens if India and USA simultaneously rejects one China policy and recognize Taiwan as a country 26:34 Why is modern art so weird or make no sense 30:00 Are the Macedonians and Romans genetically related? 35:32 How not to worry for a person, as someone says he would give his last attempt for a government exam 38:21 What is sir's take on New Caledonia? 40:10 Should someone do BA in international relations or do BA LLB? 42:20 One more river behind nile, which was used to transport building material? 46:19 When will kalki avatar come? 46:45 Have sir read "The hunt for the red October" and does sir think we may find our self in a similar situation? 50:44 Which the best geopolitics book for complete beginners? 51:18 Why delhi metro has flat face why not aerodynamic peak head like rrts, vandebharat 53:30 What are the white spots on ceres? 56:13 Why do southern part of India marry their cousins when it is wrong in Hinduism when they know it can cause genetic problems? 58:24 What is charismatic personality?How to develop it? 1:02:10 Someone is a Christian by birth and learning about tactics played by French, and asks for suggestions for him? 1:05:45 When will we see nuclear powered vehicles? 1:09:40 Can US print unlimited dollars? 1:12:44 Why is the global map showing in most places a distorted version of the actual geographical map? 1:15:29 There is a serious amount of foreign interference on social media, what can the govt do about this in their next term? 1:20:48 Why alexander the tyrant did not face any resistance in Egypt?was darius and other achemedian kings cruel towards them? 1:25:41 Opinion on true boundaries of Akhand Bharat? 1:30:29 About intellectual migration of german scientists during post WW2 period especially Von Braun who contributed to American dominance in science and technology 1:34:41 Is it a good step that 6 build aircraft carrier will be taken for India, where submarines are principle ship of 21st century? 1:40:00 Which all nations in India's neighbourhood should we have strong relations to control Indian ocean regions? 1:43:13 When is Dr Niraj Rai's paper coming out? 1:43:32 Why is the biggest genocide in known history The Hindu Holocaust ignored by whole world? 1:46:43 Which system is better, for family structure, patriarchy or matriarchy in a society 1:50:03 Could giant lake formed by metero fall at lonar site be reason behind formation of Himalayas and other mountain ranges? Can meteors effect shift in tectonic plates? 1:56:30 Why no research not done on topic where Mughals destroyed great native classical dance forms and musical system from Gujarat, Sindh, Maharashtra, Bengal, etc? 1:59:36 Why billionaires are funding wokism...? 2:01:06 How was diet of ancient Indians different from Indians today? 2:05:15 Opinion on River Saraswati? Is Ghaghara really saraswati? 2:07:09 Someone says he hates carbs and hates it as it being starvation food 2:08:24 Why Indians are obsessed with degrees?... 2:10:32 Conclusion- Thanks Everybody