Episode 292: On the Back to School Transition

DCO Discourse...

05-08-2024 • 26 mins

This week Caitlin Plant is joined by Marissa Rasmussen, DCO’s new Communications and Marketing Manager, to give some tips for a positive transition back-to-school this fall. Whether you are a parent to a school-aged child or youth, are an elementary or high school student, or if you are someone headed off to post-secondary education and beyond, this episode includes some strategies for preparing for the back-to-school season. To read the full article referenced throughout the episode visit: https://files.constantcontact.com/0fb3237d001/62368112-bfdd-4c12-8f92-54d2ac97b4ad.pdf. To connect with support related to this episode, or for anything else going on in your life, please visit www.dcontario.org/locations to find your nearest Member centre. Many of our Member centres operate 24/7. Thank you for listening and we hope you’ll join us again next week. If you would like to provide feedback on this episode, past episodes, or request future content, you can do so using the following link: https://forms.gle/o8yUPMss6wo8dP1X8.