Transmit Your Creativity to The World

The Creativity Companion

05-06-2023 • 21 mins

Parting is such sweet sorrow - but while this series ends, your creative potential certainly does not.  Last week Dan and Andrew discussed the concept of “dissolving in” as allowing yourself to connect with and become a part of a universal and boundless field of being to enrich your creative potential. In short, dissolving in is about letting yourself go. Now, what does the culmination of these elements look like? What is left for us to do to release our creativity into the world with confidence?  This is called “transmission.” In this episode, Dan and Andrew enlighten us on the last element of creativity - transmission. Transmission is reaping the fruits of your creative labor; it is the process of deciding how to share your creative labor of love for all the world to see. They talk about the process of figuring out what to do with your finished product and the distinction between marketing and transmitting your creativity. “The reality of the world is that if you want to scale, if you want something out there, you have to put something behind it. Whether it's that kind of salesy effort that we dislike, or whether it's money, you pay somebody else to do it, the idea of transmitting what you do out there in the world has a cost.” – Dan (10:12) Dan and Andrew also work through different ideas for handling the confusion of how/when to share your creative products, the idea that transmitting creativity is akin to a turning point in the creative process, how transmitting can be abused, the mixed feelings you can have when you finally release your work, and how to positively influence others through your transmitting. To wrap up, Andrew and Dan leave us with some final thoughts for applying these elements of creativity and telling us to be open to having discussions about the creative process. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed - it just is. Your creative energy is the same.  “You don't know how your energy is going to be transmitted, right? And we don't know the effect. And we definitely don't know in the immediate response that people give, whether it's critics that criticize your art instead of embracing it, or it's somebody who says, uh, this is a boring exercise, I don't like doing this.” – Andrew (15:30) If you are working on tapping into your creative energy, be sure to keep this series ready to go. The creative process and harnessing your creative potential is just a listen away!  In This Episode:  (2:00) Uplift and empower others through your work (3:14) Marketing vs. transmitting your creativity (6:10) How personal temperament plays a role in fear (8:33) Abuse of the transmission process (13:26) Leading through positivity (19:14) Final thoughts   Resources & Links: Dan Nestle LinkedIn Andrew Silberman LinkedIn Get a G.R.I.P. on Creativity by Andrew Silberma The Dan Nestle Show  The Remote Work Companion   Mentioned: Emily Dickinson Why Emily Dickinson didn’t publish Myers-Briggs Personality Types, overview INFP personality type ENFP personality type Steve Chandler Tony Robbins Albert Einstein