Crush It! by Gary Vaynerchuk Audiobook | Free Summary

BigIdeas by nextbigwhat

23-03-2023 • 3 mins

Free Audiobook summary of the book Crush It! by Gary Vaynerchuk.

Good ol’ Gary, in his remarkable, in-your-face style, provides a blueprint of success.

Success Is In Your DNA

● Your DNA dictates what you were born to do. Follow your passion, and don’t listen to what society has to say about success.

● There is enough success out there and if you want it badly enough, you will get it.

● When building your personal brand, focus on the quality of the relationships with your followers and not on their numbers.

● Be authentic and produce quality content.

There is no excuse for anyone living in the United States or anywhere else right now to slog through his or her entire life working at jobs they hate, or even jobs they simply don’t love, in the name of a paycheck or a sense of responsibility.


A Whole New World

● Plan to develop and grow your own brand and business alongside your current job. This is how you will open opportunities in the digital economy.

● As long as you are working for someone else, you will never be living entirely true to yourself and your passion.

● To monetize your personal brand, you need two pillars: product, and content. Great content is what will attract people to your blog.

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