Season's Dreamings

Sounds Curious Podcast

07-12-2019 • 33 mins

This week kicks off a series of episodes using field recordings in creative ways to revel in the sonic details that emerge through some old-fashioned analogue processing techniques drawn from the early days of electroacoustic music. To start, a composed sonic dream through an imaginary winter's landscape, arranged to create an imaginary listening environment right in your headphones. Composed by your host, Renée T. Coulombe, with field recordings from Radio Aporee ( John Grzinich "Wind and creaking trees" Emajōe Suursoo, Tartu maakond, Estonia OR poiesis "path of seasons, winder meadow, snow, Piramida (Slovenia) alas23 "Utena, Lithuania, snowflakes on dried reed" Utena, Lithuania OR poiesis "river Drava, Loka" "stone, water, void" (Slovenia) palkovich.sgt "Zvonkohra/carillon" Prague 7, Czech Republic Matthes "Rundgang über den mittelalterlichen Weichnachtsmarkt/Stroll through the medieval Christmas market" Siegburg, Deutschland "Wind Chimes at Ulm Christmas Market" Ulm, Germany Richard Bentley "Snow Walking Meditation" Woodcote, UK