Not a Friend

The Parent/Teacher Conference

16-04-2024 • 1 hr 4 mins

Last in a series on Old School Teaching Tools That Shouldn't Be Tossed.

Starting with a discussion of the blow back he has received from the episodes "More Than a Pencil" & "Past Due Review", Coach shares the purpose of these episodes; to support teachers who are being told to ditch consequences (typically the #1 reason given as to why teachers are leaving the profession)

He then discusses his concerns about "sharing power" with his students in the classroom, citing an Edutopia article (posted below) that calls for a more "Democratic" classroom, and demonstrating its flaw and standing by the principle "There is a hierarchy in the classroom by necessity"

The episode ends with Coach sharing his "Dictatorship" model classroom management technique, points out several areas of agreement he has with the Edutopia article, and concludes with sharing how students dont really want you as their friend either.

Edutopia: "The Power of a Democratic Classroom" by Carla Marschall. July 27, 2021