Magic trick to Stop Rambling- Part II

Communicate101: Speaking Writing Tips!

12-04-2024 • 13 mins

Ever find yourself in a waffling or rambling, situation? It's like your brain takes a coffee break, but your mouth keeps on chatting!

And isn't it wild how even super smart folks

can't always nail it

with their awesome ideas?

Like, you'd think

being brainy would guarantee

success every single time, right?

Well, here's the scoop:

when you come up with a fresh, out-of-the-box idea,

your brain's like,

"Whoa, what's this?"

It's like trying to fit a square peg in a round hole—

totally unfamiliar territory.

We even call these ideas "half-baked" or ‘half- cooked.

So, naturally, your wants to hold it

Your mouth doesn’t

Theres a tug

And in that tug

You start talking irrelevant stuff

Till your brain agrees

But by then

You’ve forgotten what you had to say

That’s right!

You ramble like nobody’s business!

Simple fix: Pause, check your notes, figure out what you wanna say, then get back in the game. Sounds easy, right?

Easier said that done,

But learnable!

We learnt some tricks in the last episode, and we'll master a strategy in this one.

why- because this is a series of two episodes

- remember!

and communication skills? Oh, they're gold in today's job market. Want to climb that career ladder? Better sharpen those communication chops! Don't forget, public speaking is a key ingredient too. So, level up those professional skills and watch opportunities roll in!

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Stay tuned and enjoy! Don't forget to hit the follow button for deeper conversations! The techniques, tips & tricks I share are easy, practical, tried and tested and will make you a better communicator, for sure!

This podcast is about building communications & making you an efficient communicator! I'm trying my best to share a new podcast every Friday so I’d love it if you set a reminder on your calendar!

Learn Tips & Tricks of Communication: Creative Writing| Public Speaking| Grammar| Business English | Interview skills | Presentation skills| Comprehension… with award-winning Communication Coach Sarika Singh, who’s been teaching for 24+ years! Improve your writing and speaking skills, grammar, vocabulary, diction, and pronunciation, and get trained on how to write stories, poems, debates, essays and more- effortlessly! Mentoring available for IELTS trainings and college application profile building.

Books I've Authored: Poetry Writing Made Simple Vol I | Poetry Writing Made simple Vol II | An Ode To Odes | rest in the making…….

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