You’ve waited patiently in line for hours, and you’re next up. Only a minute ago, you were as cool as the proverbial cucumber, but now your breathing is speeding up, your heart is thumping, your stomach is churning and your palms are beginning to sweat. You feel a bit dizzy, and your legs are going numb. What’s going on?
You’ve got stage fright, also known as performance anxiety. Many people experience a mild nervousness before giving a speech or doing a recital. But for some individuals, the thought of performing can cause panic attacks. Feeling nervous before a performance is natural — and part of your body's way of helping you do your best. The "stress hormones" (like adrenaline) that your body produces at times like these can actually help you focus.
In this podcast,
We’ll understand
Why n how
You’re not alone
And I’ll show you
That you can personalise
And make your own
To master this
Performance anxiety.