World News Effects My Mortgage Rate?

Mortgage, Markets, and More

22-01-2024 • 10 mins

🌐✨ "World News Effects My Mortgage Rate?" - Discover the Global Impact on Your Home Loan ✨🌐

Hey, it's Peter D'Angelo here, and I'm back with another enlightening episode of my podcast. This time, we're delving into a topic that hits close to home: "World News Effects My Mortgage Rate?"

Ever wondered how a headline halfway across the world can sway what you pay on your mortgage? 📰💸 I'm unpacking the intricate web of global events and their surprising ripple effects on mortgage rates. From geopolitical tensions to international trade deals, you'll learn how the world stage plays a crucial role in shaping your mortgage payments.

Tune in to get the lowdown and stay financially savvy in an interconnected world. Because yes, world news does affect your mortgage rate, and I'll tell you how!

#GlobalEconomy #MortgageRates #FinancialInsights #WorldNewsImpact #PeterDAngelo #StayInformed

Watch this episode on Youtube!

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Peter D'Angelo | NMLS: 885309 | Branch Manager | Guaranteed Rate, Inc., NMLS 2611

*All information, topics, discussion is my own personal opinion and insight, not reflective of Guaranteed Rate, Inc. May contain market information for informational purposes only, not to be used as financial advice.