Esther Weinberg

Welcome to the Deeply, Simply, Human. A podcast about bringing human dignity to ourselves and each other to transform the way we live, lead and grow. Together, we will uncover, discover and share practical and pragmatic insights to assist you in moving through the constant state of change (wanted or unwanted) while keeping your sanity and humanity. This podcast is all about sharing tangible and usable tools that you can implement today to create results today. For more see read less


#12 | Alignment Pitfalls: Common mistakes individuals and teams make on their alignment journey and how to avoid them.
#12 | Alignment Pitfalls: Common mistakes individuals and teams make on their alignment journey and how to avoid them.
In this enlightening episode of "Deeply Simply Human," we explore the critical yet often overlooked concept of alignment within organizations. Guided by real-world case studies from industry giants like Yahoo, Kodak, Microsoft, Starbucks, and Salesforce, we unpack the major pitfalls that can disrupt alignment, such as unclear objectives, poor communication, and an unwillingness to adapt. From the failure of Yahoo's one-size-fits-all approach to Kodak's refusal to embrace digital technology, learn how a lack of alignment can lead to corporate downfall. This episode isn’t just about the problems; it's a roadmap to solutions. Discover actionable steps to foster better alignment within your team and organization. Whether it's by establishing a clear vision, enhancing communication, valuing every team member, or staying adaptive, you’ll come away with practical strategies to apply immediately. Implementing just one of these could be the catalyst for positive change in your organization. This is a must-listen for anyone seeking to be a transformational leader who makes alignment a priority for better results. Don't miss the challenge at the end that invites you to be an active part of your alignment journey! Let’s connect.  LinkedIn: The Ready Zone Needs Assessment  Download my eBook: Better Leaders. Better People. Better Results. — 6 Eye-Opening Strategies to Thrive Through Change You Didn’t Ask For.
#10 | Unlocking Your Full Potential: The Power of Saying No
#10 | Unlocking Your Full Potential: The Power of Saying No
In this episode of Deeply, Simply Human, I delve into an often overlooked power tool for modern leaders: the transformative power of saying "no." In a world saturated with endless opportunities and demands, saying yes has become the default setting for many, leading to burnout and a lack of focus on what truly matters. I uncover the untapped potential of crafting a "not doing" list—shifting your mindset to prioritize what truly aligns with your greatness. I offer practical strategies for breaking free from the cultural fixation on "yes" and reclaiming your time, energy, and mental clarity. Leaders and professionals within fast-growing organizations, this episode is designed especially for you. With strategies ranging from empowering your leadership journey to nurturing your personal well-being, you'll learn how to navigate the challenges you face daily. The benefits of embracing the power of "no" extend beyond mere productivity, reaching into the realm of personal fulfillment and even organizational change. Listen in and discover how saying "no" is actually saying "yes" to a life more aligned with your authentic self and aspirations. Don't forget to subscribe, rate, and review, and as always, stay aligned, stay inspired, and continue to make a positive impact. Let’s connect.  LinkedIn: The Ready Zone Needs Assessment  Download my eBook: Better Leaders. Better People. Better Results. — 6 Eye-Opening Strategies to Thrive Through Change You Didn’t Ask For.
#09 | The Transformative Power of Alignment: A Guide to Personal Fulfillment and Team Synergy for the Modern Leader
#09 | The Transformative Power of Alignment: A Guide to Personal Fulfillment and Team Synergy for the Modern Leader
In this episode of "Deeply, Simply Human," we delve into the transformative power of alignment in both our personal and professional lives. Guided by insights from industry thought leaders like Gartner, we explore the era of the "Great Reflection," where the quest for a deeper sense of purpose and community is reshaping the way we approach work and life. We unpack the intricacies of personal alignment, examining how self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and a clear vision of your legacy can set the stage for profound happiness and fulfillment. The journey doesn't stop at the individual level; we extend the conversation to team alignment, highlighting its role in enhancing collaboration, creativity, and overall effectiveness in any organizational setting. Whether you're a leader striving to shepherd a cohesive team or an individual seeking more meaningful engagement in your role, this episode equips you with the tools and insights you need to make alignment your secret ingredient for success. Don't miss this comprehensive guide that will set you on a path toward greater fulfillment and achievement, both personally and professionally. Let’s connect.  LinkedIn: The Ready Zone Needs Assessment  Download my eBook: Better Leaders. Better People. Better Results. — 6 Eye-Opening Strategies to Thrive Through Change You Didn’t Ask For.