Dream Big, Start Small

The Vision to Victorious Podcast

01-11-2018 • 9 mins

Dream big, start small. Being in this social media world and getting to see everyone post their highlight reel, will lead you to believe that everyone starts big. You can have a vision, but you don’t need to see it in real life right from the start, give yourself something to work towards.

When starting your own business, do not over extend yourself by thinking that you have to have the best of the best to begin with.

Grow, create benchmarks for you to check off along the way as you grow into that larger version. Write down your vision, and then break it down into smaller goals. Don’t feel like a vision that you have for your business right now is what you need to have in place when you open your doors to start receiving customers. So DREAM BIG, START SMALL.

I invite you to connect with me on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter at Victoria A. Tiller

I also invite you to join me inside my free Facebook group, the Vision to Victorious Success Squad.