29: Pivoting In Life - Embrace It, Don't Shame It

Empath | Intuitive | Heart-Driven Podcast

20-03-2022 • 25 mins

If you feel like the constant change or lack of clear direction is a flaw, IT'S NOT!

Today's episode highlights: while we can't see it in the moment, what you're achieving at any given time, adds to your greatness. Adds to your skills and energetic tool box. Adds to your authentic experiences.

My love, every step is vital - I promise!

I mention the Akashic Records in todays episode. The best course I've taken was delivered by Teri Uktena. Absolute unsponsored share, I just love her courser and podcast.

Find her here if you want to explore: https://www.akashicreading.com/

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