75 Soft Challenge

Growth and Goals Podcast

20-12-2023 • 21 mins

So if you didn't know back in October I decided to start the 75 Soft Challenge, and after 58 days I have thrown in the towel. I seriously debated sharing this because I am a little disappointed, feeling guilty and frankly embarassed I came so far and didn't finish. However, I never want y'all to be under the impression that achieve every single goal I set out to achieve. I know this podcast is all about achieving your goals but I still fail sometimes and I want to normalize that.

I learned so much from this challenge but there were definetly some cons as well and I have learned that this is just not something that is sustainable for me. I am so proud of myself for having stuck with it for 58 days and I did see results and develop habits I will be carrying with me into the new year, so eventhough I didn't complete it I got something out of it.

Failure is a part of life but as long as we learn and grow from our failures we never truly fail.

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