Book Publishing: A Step-by-Step Guide for Authors

The Author Your Brand Show

11-10-2023 • 25 mins

In this information-packed 20-minute podcast episode of the Author Your Brand Show, host Doug Crowe, an expert in the field, provides comprehensive rapid training to help authors understand their book publishing options and make the best choice. He explains that "publishing" today is more about distribution and marketing than just printing. Doug outlines the pros and cons of some of the most popular publishing models: traditional publishing, self-publishing, and hybrid publishing. He stresses the importance of considering control, revenue, and ideal outcomes when choosing the right path for you and your book. Key takeaways: 1. Traditional publishing means giving up your copyright and intellectual property for a small advance and low royalties. 2. Self-publishing through Amazon allows authors to retain ownership and get 35-70% royalties but has less prestige. 3. Hybrid publishing provides services like editing and design for a fee, with higher royalties than traditional but less control. 4. New decentralized publishing like Gratis allows authors 100% royalties and ownership with no fees. 5. Regardless of publishing method, authors must still handle their own marketing and connecting with readers. This Rapid Training delivers clarity to authors on their publishing options and empowers them to make the best choice for their book and goals.