The Art of Communication is The Language of Leadership

Mrigashira Podcast

12-07-2023 • 16 mins

Encouraging a child means that one or more of the following critical life messages are coming through, either by word or by action: I believe in you, I trust you, I know you can handle this, You are listened to, You are cared for, You are very important to me. In today’s episode of Mrigashira, we have Pooja Singh (a child communication coach and mentor) speaking to Radha Radhakrishnan about her child communication mentorship journey that helped train youngsters from an early age in terms of establishing self-confidence in public speaking and communication development. Pooja has trained about two thousand children in her time in training, and she has also mentored children from all over the world. Humans are social creatures. As an outcome, communicating and navigating through coming education skills has been a fundamental aspect of human existence. Whether it’s communicating, expressing feelings, or understanding one another, Effective communication is vital in many situa