Hey guys, it’s Monica. I’m the host of the Atypical Diaries podcast. I release new episodes every Thursday & I’m excited for you to join me in these uncomfortable conversations. Have you ever felt unsure about your feelings, felt like you couldn’t talk about your mental health, or felt like you didn’t matter. Me too, this podcast is geared towards helping all of us grow by indulging into those unwanted talks and exploring those uncomfortable topics that we go through daily. Atypical diaries will touch on things like, being insecure, self-awareness, people pleasing, family issues, childhood trauma, and more. I’m not a professional, nor am I 100% right about everything I speak on, so that’s where you come in. You will help me grow as well, by engaging in conversation. Leaving your comments and opinions in my dm’s and on my this youtube channel. Eventually we will have Facebook group and discord chat where we can talk about ANYTHING. We all start somewhere, so why not start here? Right now! By joining me on this journey to self-improvement. Let’s tune into the podcast every Thursday and release the untold stories of us.