Excerpt 4: Stop playing victim to situations YOU created!

Atypical Diaries

22-12-2022 • 19 mins

In this excerpt, Monica Kearse speaks on victimizing yourself. In many ways, we like to make people feel sorry for us for situations we brought onto ourselves. We are no longer allowing these situations to have so much control over our lives. It's time to move forward.

Seeking help outside of family and friends is the number one goals right now. Find someone or something outside of the people closest to you to put your trauma onto. You want to be better in life? Make that decision for YOU. Do better, be better, think better, speak better. Anything you want in life you can do it and be it.

Stop complaining about what you don't have and cherish what you do have. Make the best of it and then grow from it. This is a healing journey so it's going to take some time and effort to accomplish. We cannot continue to let these thoughts live in our head rent free. Let's get healed.