Coach Bart K. is joined by Zeb from CLRLY for episode 5, a prominent figure in the health & fitness space, a man that shamelessly calls out fake gurus and BS advice, radical biologist and Mr. Controversial himself.
This episode of Fundamental Wisdom goes into:
- The biography and origins of CLRLY
- Dangers of the Primal diet & Vitamin A Toxicity
- Cholestasis, CURE Protocol
- Liver King, CarnivoreMD, Carnivore Aurelius Psyops
- Shilajit, Hemp, TUDCA, supplementation
& so much more!
Connect with CLRLY here:
Instagram - @clrlyy
Twitter - @animuscle
Connect with Coach Bart K here:
Instagram - @CoachBartK
Twitter - @CoachBartK