Rise Up! #201 - Jessica Rivers

Rise Up! The Baker Podcast with Mark Dyck

29-05-2024 • 1 hr 2 mins

Jessica Rivers is co-owner and connection engine of the amazing bakery Working Culture Bread in Victoria BC.  In the three years since Mark talked to her husband Adam in Episode #128, the bakery has grown and their family has too.  Through it all, Jess and the Working Culture team have built even stronger ties within the community, through fundraising, advocacy and lots of listening.

In this episode, Jess and Mark talk about how starting a family helped her baking team grow closer, her faith in food providers to come together to help people and her new project, Club Bop, which helps local small businesses of all stripes support each other.

There is also talk about Mark's new project, the Bakery Leadership Circle, which has a new session starting in July.

Helpful Links

Working Culture Bread

@workingculturebread on Instagram

Support the Podcast Here!

Rise Up! The Baker Podcast website

The Bakers4Bakers Community

Mark's Blog, with the Bakernomics series

Mark on Instagram


Produced and hosted by Mark Dyck

Theme song and music by Robyn Dyck

Orange Boot Human logo by Fred Reibin