The eyeball of a human weighs approximately 28 grams (+ 9 more facts)

Daily Facts

12-08-2024 • 7 mins

Daily Facts (12 Aug 2024) [Promo] The Daily Life Pro Tips Podcast. Improve your life in less than 10 minutes a day. Pod links here Daily Life Pro Tips website. Today's facts: The eyeball of a human weighs approximately 28 grams Fat is important for the development of children and normal growth After the Eiffel Tower was built, one person was killed during the installation of the lifts. No one was killed during the actual construction of the tower The Crayola colour flesh was changed to peach in 1962 because of the fact that people have many different skin colours Duracell, the battery-maker, built parts of its new international headquarters using materials from its own waste The highest mountain in the Western Hemisphere is Mount Aconcagua in Argentina. It rises 22,834 feet above sea level In a lifetime, the heart pumps about one million barrels of blood Mummy powder was once thought to be a cure for all remedies. English men used to carry the powder with them in a tiny bag wherever they went St. Patrick explained the Holy Trinity to King Laoghaire, using the shamrock to illustrate the trinity The artist Vincent Van Gogh sliced part of his ear off in madness Facts from this episode are sourced from API Ninjas. Fact explanations from OpenAI ChatGPT API with proprietary prompts. This podcast is produced by Klassic Studios Learn more about your ad choices. Visit