Why is your client avatar a tripping stone or stepping stone?

The Growth Zone

16-09-2023 • 14 mins

When designing, building, redesigning and growing a business, people often ignore the basics of market positioning by not understand who they are actually serving.

Today's episode focuses on: Why is your client avatar a tripping stone or stepping stone?

What is a client avatar?

A client avatar is a ficticious character representing our ideal client. By profiling this person's life and business habbits, we get a better understanding of what drives this person to say yes or no to our offer. This avatar profile is not only helpful for face to face sales situations but also for online marketing and funnels.

We use a client avatar for B2C and B2B situations. In a B2B avatar we need to understand the mindset of the buyer. This mindset is affected by the local attitude towards new sellers and new products. Some regions are very welcoming while others immediately think you are a risk to their own career, if they buy from you.

In contrast to a B2C buyer, a B2B client might be making a 6 figure buying decision which might be questioned by the head of finance or the CEO. A B2C client might only have to justify their purchase with their spouse or someone they are borrowing the remaining amount needed to pay for the product.

Hence, people have different voices in their head that are interfering with your communication. Take the time to silence these voices, so that you not only get them to buy but also avoid buyer's remorse.


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