Ep162: 5 Ways to Track Your Results in Real Time

Building Your Empire With SophieZo

20-09-2023 • 7 mins

When you’re spending your valuable time and money on a project, strategy, or marketing initiative, you want to make sure it’s working!

There’s nothing worse than investing in a business strategy that doesn’t bring good ROI, so in this episode, I’m sharing my best tips for tracking your results in real time. This is going to help you stay on top of your results, see what’s working and what’s not, tweak what needs to be tweaked, and know when it’s time to toss the whole thing and start over!

In this episode you’ll learn how to:

  • Create strategies that are actionable and measurable
  • Know how often you should be checking your results
  • Get your team on board and working towards your overall goal
  • Choose the right KPIs for every initiative
  • Set cascading goals for every division of your team
  • Create rinse and repeat strategies for ongoing success

Listen now, and if you’d like to learn more about creating rinse and repeat strategies for your business, let’s talk!

You can connect with SophieZo at:

Website: https://sophiezo.com

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Clubhouse: @sophiezo

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