Series 5 Episode 6: Fredagsmys


18-05-2021 • 19 mins

There is one fundamental tradition that still lives on in Sweden. This tradition is called fredagsmys or cosy Friday. While most youngsters prefer to go out on Friday night, majority of the Swedes choose to cosy up at home with blankets,  comfort food and snacks, boardgames and binge watching Netflix or put on a good film on the projector.

So when does this yet another social phenomenon came about?  Find out more in this episode!

In the "Words of The Day" segment, we look at phrases used at the cashier at a supermarket.

Cashier (Kassa): "Vad det bra så?" (Anything else?) or "Något annat?" (Something else?)
Customer (kund): "Det var allt, tack." (That's all, thank you.)

Try these phrases the next time you are shopping at ICA or Hemköp or COOP! Lycka till!

This podcast is brought to you by Cavewoman Productions.