Let’s Talk - Nishe Patel - What’s Your Too Much Sensor?

The Coaching Inn

16-11-2022 • 54 mins

Coach, Supervisor and Trainer Nishe Patel shared a post on Linked In:

“If coaching is a partnership, should the coach’s experience and thinking be shared more freely?

I’ve been going back and forth over this question for quite some time now, and it’s challenged how I see coaching. As much as my focus is on my clients and what they want to achieve, I feel I may be missing opportunities to support them further by not bringing more of myself into our shared conversation.

I recognise the value of placing emphasis on the client, after all, they are the focus of our session. However, I feel we sometimes forget that the coach is a person too. And the value they can offer expands well beyond supporting clients to figure things out for themselves.”

So I asked her if she wanted a chat at The Coaching Inn. It was great fun - and here it is.

Contact Nishe through:

Linked In

Nishe’s Website

And Contact Claire