Mark introduces the topic of self awareness. He shares that their “pregame” discussion was very self reflective. He suggests that the time of year, as well as some other personal events from Jim’s life and Mark’s have the guys a bit mired in self reflection and self awareness
Mark reads a couple of quotes Jim brought to the recording. One secular (Stoic) and one Biblical (Thomas)
Jim shares some context for his quotes and shares his position on self awareness and what’s going on in his life
Jim reflects on yesterday being the 5 year anniversary of his father’s death. He says to really understand yourself, you have to go back in time. Family history and stories. Jim came across some photos of his dad he’d never seen before. Then he reflects a bit on his grandparents (4 grandparents/four quadrants - that shape you)
Jim asks about Mark’s conversation with his dad and comments about “peeling back Jim’s onion”
He talks about piling multiple issues all on top at once and how that makes tough stuff even tougher
Are we getting more “Imperfect” or more self aware
Mark shares his mom and dad’s influence and then describes his memories of his grandfathers…not from memory but from stories
Jim returns to our fathers and specifically his relationship with his father. How he has gained appreciation and gratitude for his dad since his death. Jim also suggests that he’s grown too
Mark gives Jim kudos for being personally accountable with all these things for being responsible for his response to hardship and challenge. Learning from his experiences
Mark shares that his dad also had 10 brothers and sisters too. Both guys are also middle children
Mark shares his self image
Jim shares another saying/quote about virtues and vices
They discuss both. Jim thinks we all strive to be the best versions of ourselves
Mark reflects on being fathers of young adult kids and what fathers face as their kids get older - more people more problems How to navigate these additional relationships. They joke about the meaning of love and different types of love
Intimacy, jealousy, all the emotions
Mark says it’s also a function of the time of year
Jim shares his experience going through the photos of his dad. He got them touched up - colorized and they came to life. He reflects about how his father tried to discuss these things with Jim when he was younger
Mark brings up his mom’s suicide and how his feelings have evolved as time has gone by. For his kids too
Mark says self awareness enables us to address and feel these things
Jim asks Mark to speak more about his mom. Mark talks about his younger brother and how he feels like he inherited his troubles from his mother
Mark goes deep on his mom’s suicide story. How he went from anger to sadness to forgiveness and empathy/love
Mark is grateful for her now. He sees her asa troubled soul
Jim says we’re all troubled souls
Mark thinks there are two types of people. Melancholy and not melancholy
Jim asks about Mark’s father. Mark says his dad was the exact opposite. He shares his parents divorce and some of the details
Jim asks more about Mark’s mom. Did he recognize his mom’s condition when he was young
Mark oversimplifies the impact his parents had on his 3 siblings and himself. He shares some suicide and addiction reflections
Jim begins to wrap up and Mark adds a takeaway
We are all going through stuff. We’re not alone
Mark loves the 4 quadrant approach of your 4 grandparents
Jim reflects on how this episode relates to our flywheel
Relationships and worldview
As our family members get older…more episode material:)