Know Your Customer Series (Part 1) - Learn about Customers Purchasing Behaviors

The New Revenue Show

08-02-2022 • 15 mins

In this episode

  • Understand why you need to understand your customers well.
  • Discover what you really need to know about customers’ purchasing behavior
  • 4 ways to discover your customer’s purchasing behavior

Whether starting a business or trying to grow and expand your existing business, there is a large amount of research involved. The most successful business owners understand the importance of staying on top of industry trends and keeping an ear to the ground at all times.

Business owners spend a great deal of time researching their competitors in order to give themselves a competitive advantage.

But with all of this research, you may be missing the most important piece of the puzzle – YOUR CUSTOMER!

Now, my research to get my 1st client was going to networking events and speaking to many random business owners to learn more about their business problems and see if I can help.

Today my customer research has evolved to include interviews and surveys. We survey our clients quarterly, our mailing list twice a year, and every sales call is like an interview.

Tune in to this episode to learn about customer purchasing behaviors.

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