Seamless Systems

The New Revenue Show

10-05-2021 • 14 mins

In this episode I am going to talk about some of the challenges that may stop you from creating Seamless Systems. If you’re like me you created your business for some form of freedom. But then you start your business and there is no sign of freedom, because you are sales, operations, client success, and you have to deliver on the project work. You’ve hired and you’ve fired. But still no true freedom.

You hear people talk about documenting processes.  But is that it? Is that the system that will give me the freedom?

Listen in to learn more and better leverage your time!

Host Bio:

Sonaya Williams

I am an American woman based in Copenhagen, a Wife, a Mother and a CEO managing a global team.

On any given day you will find me switching back and forth between these roles.  Each identity is precious to me and carries its own special set of needs. I need to bring a different ‘me’ to each situation. I thrive like this and it also demands a lot of energy.

Growing up in New Jersey I watched my Mother be a single mom, working two jobs to provide for me. Free time was so limited for her, that her personal needs, wishes and desires, always came last.

I watched as she struggled under work/life pressures, never really having the freedom to enjoy life on her terms.  Late one night in conversation, many years later, she admitted what I had always known. My Mom had lived her life doing a job that didn’t make her happy or feel fulfilled. She carried regrets and a sense of missing out. What she did for us, her children,  was amazing in so many ways but there was a trade-off.

She put her family first and she came last.

She paid the bills but in doing so, she sacrificed her dreams.

Even as a child, I knew there was something wrong with that story. Later as a young adult,  I made the promise to myself that I would have the right to freedom of choice. I wouldn’t accept that trade-off.

I believed that I could have it all – a happy business and a happy life.

My mission is to free up your time by giving you the right tech tools so you can Do More. Make More. Do the work that you adore. See, I believe when you have the right systems in place, you will end the day-to-day chaos that prevents you from having the success that you want.

You shouldn’t spend your time OR energy on things you hate when you can delegate or automate.

And that’s my area of expertise.



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Instagram: @theceopartner & @sonaya.williams
