Forest Reinhardt on Climate Change and the Tragedy of the Commons

The Parlor Room

08-01-2024 • 28 mins

How can businesses navigate the complexities of climate change? Host Chris Linnane and Harvard Business School Professor Forest Reinhardt delve into that question in this episode. They discuss the tragedy of the commons, explore the challenges of creating and selling a carbon-neutral beer, and answer listener questions about what responsibilities companies have to transition to sustainable practices. GUEST Forest Reinhardt, John D. Black Professor, Senior Associate Dean for Faculty Promotions and Tenure RESOURCES Professor Reinhardt's HBS Online courses: Business and Climate Change ( Global Business ( Related HBS Online blog posts and videos: Blog Posts 7 Ways Climate Change Affects Global Businesses ( Tragedy of the Commons: What It Is and 5 Examples ( 4 Effects of Globalization on the Environment ( What Is Globalization in Business? ( Which HBS Online Business in Society Course Is Right for You? ( Videos What Is the Tragedy of the Commons? ( What Is Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)? ( Watch this episode on YouTube: