Let’s dive straight into the 3rd PART on how to craft a perfect prompt – The Context! Context is th

Thoughts on Thought Leadership with Atiba

24-08-2023 • 2 mins

Let’s dive straight into the 3rd PART on how to craft a perfect prompt – The Context!

Context is the 3rd secret weapon in prompt engineering!

We’ve covered task and persona, and now, Let’s talk about CONTEXT. Just as you wouldn’t brief teachers about a staff retreat the same way you’d talk to adventurous third graders, ChatGPT thrives on context.

Context is crucial. Why you ask?

It’s like the backdrop to a scene, framing the information you’re seeking from ChatGPT. Whether it’s drafting a persuasive pitch or crafting a friendly explanation, context guides ChatGPT to generate the spot-on responses you crave.

Want to learn more? Make sure to follow me, Your Prompt Hero and Video Content superman 🦸

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