2: Coaching as a Leadership Tool w/ Charmagne Glass-Tripp

The Coaches Forum

20-02-2024 • 53 mins

Have you ever considered how learning coaching skills can actually make you a stronger leader? In this episode, I’m joined by Charmagne Glass-Tripp—an amazing equity-centered leadership coach and the Director of Programming here at the Institute for Equity-Centered Coaching—to break it down for y’all.

In this episode you’ll hear:

[2:18] How Charmagne came into this work from a background in corporate banking and music

[15:29] THIS critical component of the work we do

[18:55] What equity-centered coaching means and why it’s so important

[21:25] Breaking down the difference between different styles of leadership

[26:04] How we use coaching as a leadership tool and why having coaching skills in your toolbox as a leader is invaluable

[36:31] The future of personal development

[44:29] How equity-centered coaching tools have helped Charmagne in her personal life as well as professionally

Catch the replay of our workshop, Personal Development in a Social Context: https://equitycenteredcoaching.com/feb24workshop

Follow us on Instagram: https://instagram.com/equitycenteredcoaching