Empowering Growth: The Art Of Stepping Back And Building An 8-Figure Business With Tim Maxwell

The Elite Entrepreneurs Podcast

06-12-2023 • 27 mins

Growth is not only about increasing numbers, but also about inspiring a team to strive for progress and giving them the confidence to move from being caught up in small details to leading with vision. In this episode, we have Tim Maxwell reveal the strategies for transforming a seven-figure venture into an eight-figure powerhouse. Tune in now and learn the secrets behind Bunney’s Inc.

What the podcast will teach you:

● Strategies to scale a business from seven to eight figures

● Managing seasonal fluctuations and scaling teams during peak periods

● Transitioning from hands-on work to visionary leadership

● The importance of strategic hires and fostering a growth-oriented culture

● Building robust processes and leadership bench strength for sustainable growth


Website: https://www.bunneysinc.com

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tim-maxwell-67435937/