Ep. 108: Revisiting Velocity - Myths and Reality

Cents and Sensibility: the Inflation Guy Podcast

26-04-2024 • 36 mins

There are several pernicious myths about the velocity of money that seem to never die. "Friedman said velocity is stable." "Velocity is just a plug number, so it is random." "Velocity is permanently impaired and only declines over time." These drive the Inflation Guy bananas, and from time to time he feels the need to talk about velocity. In this episode, the IG describes the main inputs into his model of velocity, and what the model currently implies about the future path of velocity from here. And, to be fair, he also kvetches some, and that's unseemly. We apologize for him.


Blog Callback: “Enough With Interest Rates Already

Podcast Callback: “Ep. 50: What the Money Velocity Comeback Means for Inflation, and Investors

Important article: “The Inflation Management Opportunities In The Insurance Industry Today

Blog for this month’s CPI: Inflation Guy’s CPI Summary (March 2024)

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