Cents and Sensibility: the Inflation Guy Podcast

Michael Ashton - the Inflation Guy

His audiences know him as THE ”Inflation Guy.” In the inflation markets he is known as a pioneer. He is considered as the Expert to the experts in the world of inflation markets where true expertise is hard to find. In this podcast the Inflation Guy talks about the hidden tax, the insidious assault on your wealth, and how to defend your money. Have a question? Email InflationGuy@enduringinvestments.com read less


Ep. 116: Political Volatility
Ep. 116: Political Volatility
Perhaps a little less coffee would be in order. The Inflation Guy in this episode wanders through several topics, including the Biden Administration's proposal for national rent control, the eviction moratorium, different measures of rent inflation, market volatility and where to hide for the next 110 days until the US election. Focus, man, focus. Still, he has useful contributions on these topics! Listen and see.   NOTES Podcast Callback: “Ep. 37: Bad Idea of the Year - Wage and Price Controls” (https://inflationguy.podbean.com/e/ep-37-bad-idea-of-the-year-wage-and-price-controls/ ) Podcast Callback: “Ep. 7: Rents and Sensibility” (https://inflationguy.podbean.com/e/ep-7-rents-and-sensibility/ ) Podcast Callback: “Ep. 74: Inflation Folk Remedies” (https://inflationguy.podbean.com/e/ep74-inflation-folk-remedies/ ) (This is the one the IG mentioned where he discusses ATRR and NTRR). Blog Post: “The Residual Effect on Rent Inflation of the Eviction Moratorium” (https://inflationguy.blog/2024/07/18/the-residual-effect-on-rent-inflation-of-the-eviction-moratorium/ ) Blog for this month’s CPI: “Inflation Guy’s CPI Summary (June 2024)” (https://inflationguy.blog/2024/07/11/inflation-guys-cpi-summary-june-2024/ ) Important article: “The Inflation Management Opportunities In The Insurance Industry Today” To Subscribe to Quarterly Inflation Outlook: https://inflationguy.blog/shop/ To Subscribe for free to the blog: https://inflationguy.blog/ Check out the website! https://www.EnduringInvestments.com/
Ep. 113: Real-World Crypto Escapades, Concerns, Threats, and Promises
Ep. 113: Real-World Crypto Escapades, Concerns, Threats, and Promises
On this episode of Cents and Sensibility, the Inflation Guy is blessed with not one but two outstanding guests, who help him unravel the significance of a recent client's problem: after selling his bitcoin on an exchange, the exchange made it difficult (so far, impossible) to transfer the proceeds back to his bank. As the Inflation Guy notes, "that's not in the marketing literature about crypto." So, he enlisted some experts to help explain what is going on, and what it means. Andy Fately, last heard from in Episode 66 of this podcast, is a veteran of more than 40 years in the foreign exchange markets, trading spot, forwards and options as well as running businesses for major US and international commercial and investment banks.  He is known as the FX Poet (https://fxpoetry.com/about-2/), but really focused on creating solutions for risk managers for problems as they arise. Susan Joseph, new to the program, is the Executive Director of FinTech at Cornell, and also engages as Fractional GC and Consultant, advising on crypto and digital assets strategy and its interaction with the regulatory world with a focus on the technical and legal interactions. Susan also educates through continuing legal education classes on blockchain, crypto, digital assets, and AI at Cornell, MIT, Stanford, PLI, and ABA and is a recognized expert. She has served as Secretary for both insurer and fintech boards, is an Advisor to certain crypto and other startups, and is the pro bono Executive Director of Diversity in Blockchain, a 501(c)(3) that supports inclusion.   NOTES FX Poet: https://fxpoetry.com/about-2/ Article “Central Bank Digital Currencies: Some Considerations,” by Andrew Fately and Susan Joseph, on Tabb Forum (free registration). Article “How CBDC’s May Impact Inflation,” by Michael Ashton, Andrew Fately, and Susan Joseph, on Tabb Forum (free registration). Article “Dirty Laundry” on DW Birch Substack Blog for this month’s CPI: Inflation Guy’s CPI Summary (May 2024) Important article: “The Inflation Management Opportunities In The Insurance Industry Today” To Subscribe to Quarterly Inflation Outlook: https://inflationguy.blog/shop/ To Subscribe for free to the blog: https://inflationguy.blog/ Check out the website! https://www.EnduringInvestments.com/