216. I Stopped My Hike to Call Myself Out on THIS Bad Habit

On Your Terms® | Legal Tips Meets Marketing Strategies for Online Business

03-06-2024 • 9 mins

This episode comes to you from the M trail in San Luis Obispo, California. I realized I was falling back into a bad habit of mine so I pulled out my phone to make a voice recording to share with my future self and with all of you!

While I was hiking, I was spending the whole time being worried about snakes, tarantulas, weird bugs, and being very, very high up. This is a bad habit of mine that I fall into with my business journey too. I focus so much on my fears. I fight and resist and struggle my way through it, and then I wonder why I’m feeling tired and unhappy.

Sometimes you can re-hike a trail, but there are a lot of things you don’t get to redo in life. Here’s a reminder to myself and all of us to enjoy the journey, not fixate on fears, and be proud of the heights we’ve achieved.

In this episode, you’ll hear…

  • How hiking is like building a business
  • The power of stopping yourself mid-habit
  • Being a peace with the process

Click here to find the full show notes and transcript for this episode.


  • Where I was hiking
  • Join the waitlist for my book “When I Start My Business I’ll Be Happy: A Practical, No BS Guide to Successful Online Entrepreneurship”
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  • Join the Free Legal Workshop to learn how to get your business legally protected today!



Produced by NOVA Media