211. Launch Series Pt. 4 | Post-Launch Audit: How to Use Data for Future Launch Success

On Your Terms® | Legal Tips Meets Marketing Strategies for Online Business

29-04-2024 • 25 mins

Right after launches, it’s normal to feel big feelings: Relief it’s over, excitement about success, sadness about failure. Feel your feelings, whichever ones they are, but don’t create unhelpful stories about them. Instead, channel your energy into getting the true story. Send out surveys to gather data.

In this episode, I dive into everything you need to know about post-sale surveys and how to execute them. I teach you how to measure sale success and figure out which marketing channels produced a good ROI for your business. Plus, I touch on how to encourage post purchase behavior like referrals.

Finally, since this is the last episode of our Launch Series, I review the top takeaways of running a launch, from beginning to end. I’ve really enjoyed making this series and I hope it has helped you and your business!

In this episode, you’ll hear…

  • What questions to ask in post-launch surveys
  • How to weigh different pieces of survey data
  • Why surveys are important in continuing to list build

Click here to find the full show notes and transcript for this episode.




Produced by NOVA Media