209. Launch Series Pt. 2 | How to Leverage Pre-Launch Excitement for Higher Sales

On Your Terms® | Legal Tips Meets Marketing Strategies for Online Business

15-04-2024 • 39 mins

This episode is Part 2 of our series on how to put on a great launch. Today I cover the teaser, invite, and event period of the launch timeline. These periods are critical to the success of your sales, so I dig into each one to tell you about my lessons learned.

First, the teaser: This is all about building hype. I give you tips on building your audience’s awareness and intrigue, especially via digital marketing.

Second, the invite: How you move people through the sales funnel– from being interested about your event, to actually signing up and attending it.

Finally, the launch event: This is where you move your audience across the finish line of the sales sequence. You resolve any of their lingering hesitations, helping them take action to buy your product and join your community.

Plus, I answer questions from listeners about how to manage the stress of a launch, buying social media ads, and how to grow organic reach.

I really hope this Part 2 episode helps you build up to, and execute, your own launch.

In this episode, you’ll hear…

  • How to create a teaser
  • What to do during your invite period
  • How to put on a successful launch event

Click here to find the full show notes and transcript for this episode.




Produced by NOVA Media