Key Questions Private Lenders Ask Before Funding Your Real Estate Deals

Raising Private Money with Jay Conner

27-06-2024 • 26 mins

In this episode of the Raising Private Money podcast, Jay Conner, along with co-hosts Crystal Baker and Chaffee Thanh-Nguyen, and guest Jay Mora, delves deep into the essential elements of leveraging private money for real estate deals. If you're a real estate investor looking to understand how to raise and use private money to your advantage, this episode offers invaluable insights. The focus is on the common questions private lenders are likely to ask and the strategic importance of setting minimum investment amounts. Below, we break down the key points discussed in this enlightening session.

The Vital Role of Private Money in Real Estate Deals

Jay Conner on the Abundance of Private Money

Jay Conner opens the discussion with a pivotal insight: "There's more private money than you can use." He elaborates with an anecdote demonstrating the importance of sticking to a minimum investment amount. Conversations with potential investors often highlight the availability and abundance of private capital waiting to be tapped by savvy real estate investors. Conner emphasizes that understanding this landscape can significantly impact your success in securing necessary funds.

Setting the Minimum Investment Amount

Crystal Baker provides her perspective on setting a minimum investment amount, emphasizing flexibility and the benefits of pooling funds from smaller investors. Crystal mentions her minimum investment amount of $30,000 but points out that combining smaller sums from family members or friends can also work. On the other hand, Chaffee Thanh-Nguyen highlights that the optimum minimum investment amount can vary greatly depending on the location and type of investment. Setting a strategic minimum, usually around renovation costs, can ensure you do not undervalue your services or stretch your resources too thin.

Preparing for Private Lender Questions

Understanding Common Questions from Private Lenders

Jay Conner introduces a pivotal part of the discussion by listing nine questions that potential private lenders usually ask before funding a real estate deal. Based on a recent webinar with potential lenders, Jay emphasizes the importance of being prepared to answer these questions convincingly. "If they're asking questions, they're interested in lending you money," Jay notes, underscoring the critical nature of these inquiries. Crystal Baker and Chaffee Thanh-Nguyen reinforce the need for thorough preparation to instill confidence in potential lenders.

Key Questions to Anticipate

Jay Conner shares the insights from his recent webinar with investors, highlighting that these questions are not hypothetical but come directly from recent interactions. Important questions include:

1. What is the timeline for this investment?

2. What guarantees or security can you offer?

3. How do you determine the value of the property?

4. What is your experience in real estate investing?

5. How do you handle potential market fluctuations?

Jay advises having clear, honest answers ready, using real-life examples when possible, to build credibility and trust. Chaffee Thanh-Nguyen adds that specificity goes a long way in building lender confidence.

Liquidity and Timeline of Funds

Self-Directed IRAs and Investment Timelines

The episode also touches on another significant aspect: investment timelines, particularly concerning self-directed IRAs. Crystal Baker emphasizes the importance of discussing the timeline and liquidity of funds with investors, especially those considering using retirement funds. Jay Conner acknowledges having both liquid capital and retirement funds, facilitating flexibility in his investment strategies. Crystal points out that while liquid capital can be quickly invested once a deal is available, self-directed IRAs require more