The world sure is a strange and interesting place to live and work in right now! I've spoken to a lot of people lately who are battling a range of feelings about work and career, and many of them are driven by fear, worry and uncertainty. But I'm here to help and I've teamed up with fellow career coach Brian Klindworth to chat openly and vulnerably about some of the trends (and big feelings) we're seeing right now and how you can be ok, even in times of intense change and challenge.
Some of the things we cover:
- Healthy boundaries
- The exhaustion we’re seeing in some of our clients at the moment
- How life and career design works and can help you
- Sustainable work and career building
- Listening and honouring what we want
- What it means to never outsource responsibility
- The powerful feedback pain and resistance can provide us with.
- Feeling stuck on what’s next in your career? Start by downloading the free career checklist via or book
a free chat with Emmy.
- Get in touch with Brian Klindworth: