Recognize your Humanity with Anneke Vliegen

The Sit Down Stand Out Show

22-05-2024 • 31 mins

From a young age we are taught to trust our doctors when it comes to diagnoses's and treatment plans. Anneke Vliegen trusted her doctors at first when they misdiagnosed her with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or CFS but when the treatment didn't work doctors suggested that her issues were all in her mind and that she wasn't putting in enough effort this is referred to as medical gaslighting join me and Anneke Vliegen on her decades long journey to discovering her actual conditions Elhers Danlos Syndrome and Lupus, the creation of her book Recognize Me, tips on victims of medical gaslighting can rebuild their trust with medical professionals, and so much more.

Be sure to pick up your copy of Recognize Me wherever books are sold and follow Anneke Vliegen in the links below until next time Keep Calm and Roll On