Ep21. Our Top Gigging Tips


23-01-2023 • 39 mins

A slightly different episode this week! But! before we get into that, if you haven't already, you should totally get tickets to our Live show 'Openback Live' it's going to be brilliant. Plus, we were really nervous about it, so the more of you that are there, the more our egos should kick in and get us through it! Love y'all!

So our top tips for gigging; this was originally supposed to be top 10 but it got confusing and you'll see why so stick with us! Each loaded with 5 of our best tips and tricks for gig day we launch into a discussion around these practices and why they do or don't work for each of us. Don't worry we haven't included cliche crap like going to the toilet, having water, and making sure you've practised, if you're not doing all those things you're a psychopath.

We really enjoyed this format of episode, so if you did as well let us know and maybe we can do more, especially if you have any topic suggestions!